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COME: KCRW Family Day

Join us for a free and fun interactive day at our house — KCRW HQ! Kids and their caregivers are invited to play and learn through music, storytelling, and art. Listen in to storytime with KCRW’s All Things Considered host Steve Chiotakis, learn rhythm with Silverlake Conservatory of Music, groove with Pony Sweat, become a reporter with 826LA, and make art with Craft Contemporary. Plus, we’ll have a food truck, photo opportunities, and more! Children lead the way! This event is open to kids of all ages with most activities geared towards ages 6-10.

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The 5th Pocket Pop-up

SHOP: Levi's The 5th Pocket Pop-Up

The original Levi's jeans from 1873 had four pockets, two front, one back, and a tiny "pocketwatch" pocket in the front right. Then in 1901, they added a second back pocket making it the 5th pocket. But because of a commercial in 1996, the tiny front right pocket was re-branded as the 5th pocket, and the rest is history. Levi's 5th Pocket Pop-up is a great way to etch your jeans in history. Shop and customize Levi's merch, shoot some pool at the dive bar that never was, and dance to KCRW DJs Novena Carmel, Raul Campos, plus KCRW alum, DJ Anthony Valadez! All proceeds will benefit the CCF Wildfire Recovery Fund!

Travel Caroline Eden

MAKE: Travel-inspired Strudel

The long-haul winter months can be just a few weeks in LA, but there's still no substitute for a satisfying strudel when you want to get some cozy cooking going in your home. Join Caroline Eden as she journeys her way through food and crafts unique recipes from her basement in Edinburgh.

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GO:You Must Take Part in Revolution

You Must Take Part in Revolution is a near-future dystopian graphic novel set in a world where a fascist United States and a techno-authoritarian China are at war — inspired by graphic novels like MAUS and PERSEPOLIS. The authors will be at the Wende Museum this Saturday to talk about their work and the intersection of art, activism, and journalism. 



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SEE: 44 The Musical

See T.J. Wilkins and R&B Legend, Shanice, as Barack and Michelle Obama in 44 The Musical, live at The Kirk Douglas Theater, now through March 23rd only. Join them as they reminisce about a time when the White House was full of hope, and when the President's largest scandal was wearing a tan suit.

Firecracker Run

RUN: L.A. Chinatown Firecracker Run 5K/10K

Need a warm-up for the LA Marathon? Or looking for a fun run for the whole family? LA Chinatown Firecracker Run has it all — a 1K Kiddie Run, a 2K Doggy Run, and even 20-mile and 50-mile biking events! Plus, there'll be carnival games, face painting, a petting zoo, puppet shows, and more! The family fun doesn't have to end. Join the Funk Run on Sunday!

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